Pasadena Elder Abuse Attorneys
Protecting Senior Citizens in Los Angeles
As your loved ones age, you want to make sure they continue to enjoy a happy, safe, and full life. Reaching your senior years comes with many challenges and many seniors become more vulnerable as they lose certain physical and mental abilities.
Unfortunately, elder abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of sex, social status, or ethnic background. Even persons under the age of 65 can be victims of elder abuse if they are a dependent adult, such as those under a conservatorship. This abuse wears many faces and, alarmingly, typically occurs at the hands of the people who are most trusted by the victims – like their spouses, children, grandchildren, caregivers, or financial advisors.
If you or someone you know is the victim of elder abuse, seek legal representation right away. At Marilyn Smith Law APC, our Pasadena elder abuse attorneys represent the innocent and vulnerable elders and dependent adults throughout Los Angeles who endure various forms of abuse. We are ready to put our more than 20 years of experience to work for you, fighting in court to end the abuse and obtain the compensation your loved one deserves.
Contact us online or call (626) 317-6068 today.
Ideally, every elder or dependent adult would have a compassionate and kind caretaker who is genuinely concerned with their health and well-being. Unfortunately, that is not always the case – elders cannot always count on their family members or paid professionals to meet their needs and provide adequate care.
We represent clients facing many kinds of abuse, including:
- Financial abuse: When a caretaker, such as a conservator or someone with a financial power of attorney, misuses an elder’s finances for their own benefit.
- Nursing home and assisted living facility abuse: When medical staff and/or employees fail to provide the proper care for an elder.
- Physical abuse: This can include both threats of violence and actual physical mishandling/violence.
- Sexual abuse: Includes any sexual contact without the elder’s consent.
- Neglect: When a caregiver fails to provide basic necessities such as food, shelter, and water. Can also include the failure to provide proper hygiene, giving incorrect medication dosage, and social neglect.
Marilyn Smith Law APC is prepared to take your case to court and represent you with vigor. Our Pasadena elder abuse attorneys have over 20 years of experience that they are eager to put to work for you. We are passionate about helping those in need and remain committed to ending abuse of elders and dependent adults in Glendale, Arcadia, and the surrounding areas.
What Happens When You Report Financial Elder Abuse?
If you suspect an elderly loved one is being financially abused, it is important to report the suspected abuse as soon as possible. You can report the abuse by contacting Adult Protective Services and filing a police report. After reporting the elder abuse, there will be a police investigation followed by court proceedings. It is important to retain an attorney experienced in this type of case as the legal process can be lengthy, complicated, and a tough experience for the victim.
What is Considered Nursing Home Neglect?
Nursing home or assisted living neglect occurs when the facility’s medical staff fail to provide adequate care for an elder. This neglect typically means the failure to provide the elderly resident with basic necessities such as food, water, personal hygiene care, necessary medications, healthcare, and other essentials. Overall, nursing home neglect means the staff has been failing to meet an elder’s physical, social, and emotional needs.
Contact us online or call (626) 317-6068 today.